Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Sociology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 23

Sociology - Essay Example Among the things I will tackle in my research include the peoples’ sexual attitude, ideology and behaviors, the relationship between sex and marriage for example pre-marital and extramarital sex, child bearing, sexual diversity for instance homosexuality and bisexual relationships, divorce among others (Jeffreys 27). Sexual ratio at birth and the preference or importance attached to children of different gender in the two countries will also be discussed. Population ageing and Age Dependency Ratios is also an important issue when it comes to sexuality. In regard to this concept, the research will look at the impacts of fertility and mortality transitions on the elderly people in both countries and all issues surrounding it. Much emphasis will also be given to the policies that govern sexuality and fertility in these two countries for instance in regard to birth controls and abortion and their consequences. The one- child policy in China is an example. My research will take a form of a critical and synthetic literature review evaluation in regard to the different aspects that are associated with sexuality in both China and the United States of

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