Monday, April 27, 2020

It Has Been Said That Within the Next Few Years, Smartphones Will Become the Single Most Important Digital Device We Own. Discuss the Implications of This Statement Essay Example

It Has Been Said That Within the Next Few Years, Smartphones Will Become the Single Most Important Digital Device We Own. Discuss the Implications of This Statement Essay It has been said that within the next few years, smartphones will become the single most important digital device we own. Discuss the implications of this statement. A  smartphone  is a  mobile phone  that offers more advanced computing ability and connectivity than a contemporary basic  feature phone A smartphone can be considered as a Personal Pocket Computer (PPC) with mobile phone functions, because these devices are mainly computers, although much smaller than a desktop computer. Smartphones and Twitter were the hottest products in Japan in 2010 and travel and leisure were back on the menu, an ad agency survey showed, as penny-pinching consumers rediscovered their fun side. Q2: What are the principal technologies and standards for wireless networking, communications and Internet access? Bluetooth Technology: * Bluetooth is a wireless networking standard that provides short-range (about 10 meters) connectivity to electrical devices such as cell phones, computers and their peripherals, notebooks, and PDA’s. Data is transmitted via small radio transmitter/receivers installed in each electronic device. * There are several benefits to using this technology. Firstly, it does away with all the wires, connectors, and attachments needed to connect your peripherals to your computer system- whether you are in the office or on the go. Next, Bluetooth technology is pretty inexpensive- which is perfect for a cash-strapped small business. This technology is also easy to use with little user input. We will write a custom essay sample on It Has Been Said That Within the Next Few Years, Smartphones Will Become the Single Most Important Digital Device We Own. Discuss the Implications of This Statement specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on It Has Been Said That Within the Next Few Years, Smartphones Will Become the Single Most Important Digital Device We Own. Discuss the Implications of This Statement specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on It Has Been Said That Within the Next Few Years, Smartphones Will Become the Single Most Important Digital Device We Own. Discuss the Implications of This Statement specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Finally, Bluetooth devices need very little power to operate and thus are particularly suitable for data transfers among low-powered handhelds where battery life is critical. Wi-Fi: * Wi-Fi is a wireless technology that can support a wireless Local Area Network and provides high-speed access to the Internet with data transmission rates approaching 54Mbps. The most popular Wi-Fi standard is the one used in the D-Link router, 802. 11b. Wi-Fi networks operate over a limited range: 32 m (120 ft) indoors and 95 m (300 ft) outdoors. Most new laptops and desktop computers come with built-in wireless transmitters. If your equipment doesn’t support wireless communication then you can purchase a  wireless adapter  that plugs into the PC card slot or USB port. * Most Wi-Fi access points are run privately within homes or businesses, but there are also numerous public WiFi access points or â€Å"hotspots. † According to  JiWire, Wi-Fi is currently available at more than 220,000 public hotspots and tens of millions of homes, corporations, and university campuses throughout the world. G: * 3G  is the  third generation  of mobile phone network standards and technologies. With 3G, network operators can offer users a wide range of advanced services within a mobile environment including: wireless voice telephony, video calls, broadband wireless data and HSPA data transmission. * In contrast to Wi-Fi, 3G networks are  wide area networks,  which means you can hook up from virtually anywhere- a par k, a moving car, a commuter train. This added flexibility, however, comes with a higher price tag. You can expect to shell out a few hundred dollars a month on equipment and services. WiMAX: * WiMAX is an emerging technology that provides high-throughput broadband connections to a large geographic area. Considered the successor to Wi-Fi, WiMAX provides improved performance and usage over much greater distances. WiMax supports peak data speeds of about 70mbps, with average user data rates between 1mbps and 10mbps and can be used for a number of applications, such as â€Å"last mile† broadband connections, hotspots and T1- type connections for businesses.