Monday, August 24, 2020

Starbucks, the Global Coffeemaker Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Starbucks, the Global Coffeemaker - Assignment Example 15 List of Tables Critical Success Facgtors 1. Presentation This paper will give a key investigation on the mainstream brand Starbucks inside the business condition of the United States. The center is the U.S. what's more, International fragments which are liable for organization worked and authorized stores. Likewise remembered for the grouping of International section are food administration accounts positioned in Canada and the U.K. When Starbucks began its unassuming start, Starbucks originator Howard Shultz said that they needed to change how individuals experienced their lives. The organization has changed gourmet espresso into an essential food item alongside another American coffeehouse (Thompson and Arsel, 2004, p. 631). This creative organization fabricates and legitimately sells espresso and tea, however its fortes are refreshments from simmered entire bean espresso and tea. It works claimed and rented stores in numerous pieces of the United States, the United Kingdom and Europe, and the entire world. (MarketWatch, 2012) Starbucks’ model of bistro is novel however it has tapped the espresso lovers’ fragment, which isn't really a portion as such since everybody cherishes espresso. The organization has entered major created markets (Canada, China, Japan, Britain, and mainland Europe, and even nations in South East Asia). It has vanquished espresso darlings and Rome. Starbucks endured a few mishaps when the organizer and CEO Howard Shultz ventured down in 2000 to go about as executive. Offers went down and the organization was going to fall had it not for the rebound of Shultz who needed to begin the organization all once more, in Schultz’s words â€Å"own the mistakes† (Harvard Business Review, 2004) and... This paper endorses that the administration and decision of area of the different cafés and stores of Starbucks were unmistakable and novel for Starbucks. They have a practically incredible decision of area and the board is client center. Retail stores are additionally the board appropriately and are of vital area. The most significant is the gracefully chain †each item and administration is promptly accessible and arrives at the different branches inside and outside the United States on schedule. This report makes an end that gracefully chain the executives is taken care of by master chiefs and Starbucks’ treatment of flexibly tie activities is better than its rivals. Their conveyance trucks and different methods for transportation to ship their items arrive at their goals on schedule, regardless of whether this be inside the United States or to different branches around the world. This makes its quality outperformed its shortcoming. It esteems its own kin and the individuals it serves †including the network. This was shown when Howard Shultz resuscitated the organization to improve the honesty of their advantages, which are the organization esteems, culture and core values, picking up by and by the trust and certainty of the individuals and its partners. Assembling and appropriation are significant parts of the flexibly chain, and this Starbucks is acceptable at. Their ideal treatment of these procedures permit them to have a solid stock and a solid in addition to over their adversaries McDonald’s or Dunkin Donuts. In spite of the fact that these two have food as extra items to lure clients, Starbucks has culminated the espresso business. It might require some investment before contenders will have the option to grab hold of Starbucks’ advantage.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

2010 Texas State Political Party Platforms Assignment

2010 Texas State Political Party Platforms - Assignment Example This is on the grounds that the unborn youngster has an option to life that can't be encroached. Thus, those associations including medical clinics and premature birth centers that help and reserve fetus removal ought to be annulled and arraigned. Likewise, I bolster the Texas state with respect to the inversion of Roe v. Swim and this is the explanation they asserted the arrangement of judges who regard family esteems just as the sacredness of guiltless human life (CTC Texas Politics 117). The demonstration of homosexuality is shameless and it is the explanation I concur with the Republican Party that it is a crime to give marriage permit to couples of a similar sex. In addition, I accept that homosexuality is the greatest donor of the breakdown of the nuclear family. Furthermore, the training has added to the spread of hazardous transferable malady and negates to reality appointed by God. In my childhood, I have constantly realized that marriage ought to be between a man and a lady. This is the explanation I concur with the Republican Party that no considerate authority ought to perform such wedding services. Furthermore, Texas State neither acknowledges nor bolster homosexuality and restricts the lawful substances. They will not perceive, just as give unique benefits including and not constrained to people taking part in same sex relationships, assurance of kids by gay people, protection and retirement benefits for gay people (CTC Texas Politics 117). This is the exp lanation the state contradicts any lawbreaker or common punishments against those restricting the carry on of confidence. What's more, the state restricts gay people and others indicted for kid misuse ought to reserve the option to embrace or be an overseer of a minor. As I would like to think, homosexuality ought not be introduced as something to be thankful for to do or a way of life in any family setting. In conclusion, I realize that all kids reserve a privilege to training. I likewise accept

Friday, July 24, 2020

Sunrise, Sunset

Sunrise, Sunset Ben Bell Sophomore MIT-Israel Program Internship: Ben Gurion University, Prof. Ilana Natan This post was first published on Ben Bell in Israel: I was trying to think of a clever title for my daily activities and was reminded of the musical, Fiddler on the Roof. If you’ve never seen it, then REMEDY THAT. ;) And while I’m not going to be in a Jewish wedding anytime soon, so far all I can say about the summer is, “swiftly fly the years”. Be’er Sheva is a quiet, humble city. When I first arrived, it didn’t take but a morning and early afternoon to see the sights. There are a few attractions to the town that make it pretty homey. Every Wednesday there is a street festival in the old city with musicians, artists, and sellers of trinkets galore. It’s a nice change of pace from the school year, which is practically non-stop from reg day to the last final. However, the Sabbath (institutionalized here in Israel) is something that forces you to stop. It can be frustrating if you want to go do, but it’s a nice excuse to just be. Ben-Gurion University makes this place a college town. Students are in the midst of finals right now and soon, I’m told, things will be even more laid-back (!) when they all evacuate. There are about 20,000 students from all over Israel studying for their bachelor’s, master’s, or PhD. The vast majority of the students complete their army service (2 years for women, 3 for men) and even a gap year before they start college, so most know exactly what they want to do when they get out. It means that the MISTI kids are precisely thatâ€"kids. When I first met my adviser, she must have mentioned how young I was at least three times. I live in the university dorms which are right by the campus. They’re pretty standardâ€"laundry, vending machines, over-priced mini-mart, etc. They are all suites of four singles that share a kitchenette, common area, and bathroom. My roommates are all PhD students/post-docs so I’m again the youngin’. I’ve been able to get to know a couple of them better because I actually see them, but one of them remains elusive. I work in a lab in the Soroka Medical Center, which is across the street from BGU’s main campus. The lab studies cell death: apoptosis, necrosis, and autophagy. My project looks at a protein, humanin, that demonstrates anti-necrotic properties in neurons from brains of Alzheimer’s patients. Humanin is thought to work synergistically with other anti-necrotic compounds that are widely used in drugs today. The hope is that studying these interactions could lead to the development of better treatments for ischemic injuries from heart attack, strokes, and liver damage. TL;DR: I am doing a screen among known drugs for necrosis against a potential drug to see if they work together against cell death. The timeline of an ideal Sunday-Thursday: 7:30â€"Wake up, roll over and fall asleep 7:50â€"Wake up again, play a song on my kindle to wake me up (This morning was Rodrigo y Gabriela’s “Savitri“) 8:00â€"Shower/Get Ready 8:20â€"Breakfast: Chocolate Branflakes + Cornflakes, or Honey Bunches of Oats (expensive, definitely a treat) 8:45â€"Walk to Work 9:00â€"Arrive in Lab! Switch media for cells 10:00â€"Start treatment of cells 10:45â€"Induce necrosis with KCN 11:00â€"During the 5 hour incubation time, I meet with my grad student and professor who advise me on the overall direction. I have lunch with  people in my lab and attend talks or lectures. I prepare plates for tomorrows experiments, feed, and take care of my cells. Its nice to not be juggling classes and lab and everything else during the regular semester. 4:00â€"Waiting is done! Close up the experiment 5:30â€"All done. Time to leaveeeee The evenings are always pretty variable. I got connected with a student Bible study that meets biweekly, the MISTI kids are trying out a lot of the restaurants in the city and starting a weekly film club, and of course, there’s so much Facebook to keep up with (only half-joking unfortunately). I am honestly trying to use the free time I have well. I don’t necessarily mean squeezing every last drop out of my time either. The summer is a great opportunity to rest and I want to do that. It’s also a time to finish up projects, work out, and complete things that I would love to do during the year but simply get squeezed out of my Google Calendar. The weekends are an incredible opportunity to travel. Having grown up in a Christian home, Ive heard about Israel forever. Its really neat now to have a mental image for many of the places in the Bible. I feel like a master of the train system in the country, which isnt saying much as Israel is only the size of New Jersey! Because there are MISTI students spread throughout, there are plenty of couches on which I can crash, whether Im visiting Haifa or Tel Aviv or Jerusalem. Couches are sometimes overrated, like when my friends and I went camping on the shore of the Sea of Galilee! The past few days, all of the MISTI MIT-Israel students came together for a 5 day seminar learning about the culture, technology, and society in Israel. It was incredibly meaningful visiting the Yad VaShem Holocaust Museum, or hearing from parents who have lost children in the Arab-Israeli conflict and are working toward reconciliation. We visited companies that reflect the unique way Israel succeeds in business despite its size and learned about the turbulent political climate from retired Gen. Danny Yatom, former director of the Mossad (Israeli CIA). Beyond that, we had what seemed to be an unlawful amount of fun playing on the beach, going to an Israeli concert, and rafting on the Jordan River. Basically, this summer is unbelievableI continue to be amazed that a program like MISTI even exists. Ive been well prepared (and well-funded I might add) to have to time of my life seeing how research science is done in a very different society. The only thing that could be more rockin is the fact that its only half-way done! :)

Friday, May 22, 2020

Geographic Information Systems (Gis) - 2537 Words

GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS (GIS) AND TERRORIST ATTACKS OF OKLAHOMA CITY BOMBING AND THE WORLD TRADE CENTER Submitted To Mark Stallo School of Graduate Studies Of Tiffin University In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the graduate course Geographic Information Systems ENF 622 In the School of Criminal Justice Summer Quarter 2006 by Oscar Young Geographic Information Systems (GIS) And Terrorist Attacks Of Oklahoma City Bombing And The World Trade Center History of GIS GIS is a way of organizing large amounts of geographic information. It is not a tool, a software, a hardware or a specific image; it is a concept--a way of understanding maps (†¦show more content†¦The attack, which occurred on April 19, 1995, destroyed the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, a U.S. office complex in downtown Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. This attack is considered to be the deadliest domestic terrorist attack in the history of the United States, and, until September 11, 2001, the deadliest attack of terrorism within U.S. borders, but not the worst against the U.S. (the worst act of terrorism against the U.S. before the Oklahoma City bombing was Pam Am Flight 103) ( Oklahoma_City_bombing). By being the first major American city to suffer a mass-casualty terrorist attack, Oklahoma Citys response to the bombing was carefully scrutinized by security experts and law enforcement in the years following the bombing, and then again following the September 11, 2001 attacks ( Oklahoma_City_bombing). The effect of the bombing on the city was immense--168 confirmed dead, including 19 children and one rescue worker and over 800 people injured. The bombing destroyed or damaged more than 300 buildings in the surrounding area ( Oklahoma_City_bombing). In the weeks following the bombing, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) response team at the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building was provided with GIS data collection and analysis which included the generation of maps,Show MoreRelatedGeographic Information Systems ( Gis )1373 Words   |  6 PagesGeographic Information Systems (GIS) has had one of the biggest impacts on the discipline of modern day geography. Roger Tomlinson coined the term GIS in the early 1960s in Canada. Tomlinson defined GIS in its early days as a computer application designed to perform certain specific functions (Coppock et al; 1991). GIS is interdisciplinary in nature, having a distinctive role in geography. The application created for the Canada GIS department was designed to summarize and tabulate land inventoryRead MoreGeographic Information Systems (Gis)1081 Words   |  5 PagesThe term Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is a term used to refer to a system installed in a computer capable of manipulating, assembling, displaying and storing information that has been geographically referenced. Large volumes of data are mapped, analyzed and modeled using a single database depending on their locations. In short, the software gives one power to create maps. Information such latitudes, longitudes, elevations and ZIP codes are fed into the system and the results can be used toRead MoreThe Geographic Information System ( Gis ) Essay1995 Words   |  8 Pageson the use of computers and computerised information, so much so that we rarely notice when an activity or action involves the use of technology. Over the past 30 years, technology has continued to develop into extremely complex systems capable of processing large amounts of data. It is now possible to represent not only numbers and letters, but also images, sounds and maps (Bernhardsen, 2002, p. 1). A Geographic Information System (GIS) is a computer system or application designed to perform a varietyRead MoreGeographic Information Systems ( Gis )851 Words   |  4 Pagescan easily be generated by a computer, especially through using GIS (Geographic Information Systems) software. I have always been fascinated by maps, geography, and understanding how everything is arranged in the world. Since GIS allows for the creation of maps depicting the arrangements of an area in the world using geographic data, there is nothing else in this world I could be more passionate about. Geographic Information Systems pose many benefits to mankind. For instance, it has helped farmsRead MoreGis : An Abbreviation For Geographic Information Systems Essay792 Words   |  4 PagesIntroduction GIS is an abbreviation for Geographic Information Systems. GIS is a perfect blend of geography and technology. People can accumulate various forms of location data (both tangible and intangible) and produce living, breathing maps. By utilizing the power of Geographic Information Systems, users can create powerful applications. These applications can range in size from being small (surveying a single farm) to large (displaying real time voting across the country in a presidential election)Read MoreHistory Of Geographic Information Systems ( Gis )1942 Words   |  8 PagesThe History of Geographic Information Systems Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are a way that information can embedded into and retrieved from maps, today this is done using computers, because of the complexity of the information that can be used, but was once done manually. GIS has become common place in the modern world that we live in, they are useful for simple things such basic maps to much more complex tasks including research and statistics, city planning, as well as many more. OneRead MoreCrime Mapping : Using Gis And Geographic Information Systems Of University Of Nairobi4473 Words   |  18 PagesCRIME MAPPING IN KENYA: USING GIS TO EXAMINE CRIME SITUATION IN ELDORET METROPOLIS By CAROLINE JEPKEMBOI CHEPLONG A RESEARCH CONCEPT NOTE SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFIMENT OF THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS OF UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI JULY, 2015 ABSTRACT Technological advancements such as Geospatial Information Systems (GIS) and the Internet have made it easier and affordable to share information, which enables complex and time sensitive decisionsRead MoreUsing Geographic Information System ( Gis )1004 Words   |  5 Pagesparameter instead of the subindex values. Given to difficulty of carrying out water quality studies as well as inaccessibility of some areas, hydrogeologists began to use Geographic Information System (GIS) to allow a better understanding of the water quality parameters (Selvam et al., 2013). Babiker et al., 2007 proposed a GIS-based GQI which water quality parameters were translated into a new index regarding the World Health Organization (WHO) standards using a statistical methodology. VariousRead MoreThe History Of Geographic Information Systems ( Gis )3922 Words   |  16 PagesIntroduction: Recent research on interpolation of climatological and meteorological information with the support of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) has shown that interpolation has a large development potential within climatology and meteorology. At the same time the demand for interpolated data products are increasing, numerical weather models are working at higher spatial resolutions and may be initiated by gridded data from observations. Interpolation is a method of getting new data fromRead MoreInformation On Geographic Information Science950 Words   |  4 Pages Geographic Information Science: It is the general term for mapping technologies which was used by different sectors and it was the foundation for Geographic Information Systems. It spatial data in the form of ïÆ'Ëœ Digital Maps ïÆ'Ëœ Digital Aerial Photos ïÆ'Ëœ Remotely sensed Imagery ïÆ'Ëœ Global positioning system Coordinates. These helps assess, plan and control many facets of society. Some Important characteristics Geographic Information. 1. It is often relatively static. †¢ Natural features and many human

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Essay on Historiography of the Salem Witch Trials

The changing historiography of the Salem Witch Persecutions of 1692. How current/contemporary and historical interpretations of this event reflect the changing nature of historiography. The number of different interpretations of the Salem Witch Trials illustrates that historiography is ever changing. The historians, Hale, Starkey, Upham, Boyer and Nissenbaum, Caporal, Norton and Mattosian have all been fascinated by the trials in one way or another because they have all attempted to prove or disprove certain elements about the trials. By analysing their augments about the causes of the Salem Witch Crisis, it is evident that this historical event can be examined from a range of different perspectives and interpreted in a range of†¦show more content†¦Currently the most widely accepted view is that the cause of the trials, was due to fraud and hysteria. It is rarely debated that it was the girls diagnoses of being bewitched that was the catalyst for the trials so if it could be proved that the girls symptoms were fraudulent, then this could be easily be ascribed as the ‘cause of the trials. Charles Upham introduce, ascribes the afflicted children the ski lls of sophisticated actresses and ventriloquists. The girls, after long practice Upham explains, could go into fits and convulsions, swoon and fall to the floor, put their frames into strange contortions, bring blood to the face and send it back again#. According to Upham the girls deceived everybody in therms of their ‘illness leading to the crisis which it grew into. This interpretation, however, disregards the only true primary resource that exists in relation to the girls affliction, written by Hale in 1702. As stated above by Hale, the symptoms were impossible to do so themselves. So this proposition is not actually backed with historical sources. Despite this, a number of more contemporary historians support Uphams historical position. Marion Starkey introduce claims that the girls were no more seriously possessed than a pack of bobby-soxers on the loose#. Starkey agrees with Upham and suggests that the girls affliction were fraudulent as they craved the communitysShow Mo reRelatedEssay about From Rosie to Lucy747 Words   |  3 PagesColonial America Katrina Moreno HIS378: Historiography amp; Historical Methodologies Instructor: Stacy Manning November 26, 2012 Colonial America In the colonial American time periodRead MoreEncephalitis Lethargica vs Witchcraft in Salem993 Words   |  4 Pagesearly 1692 Salem village, Massachusetts began to experience strange occurrences among their residents. Victims suffered from strange mental and physical illnesses. The randomness of the victims, and their unusual symptoms, led residents to suspect a supernatural explanation. These suspicions eventually led to the infamous Salem Witch Trials. Past historians have concentrated their research on the accused, while Laurie Winn Carlson focuses on the afflicted in her novel, A Fever in Salem: A New InterpretationRead MoreSalem Witch Trial vs Mccarthyism1208 Words   |  5 PagesA review of A Fever in Salem: A New Interpretation of the New England Witch Trials, by Laurie Winn Carlson, Ivan R. Dee, Chicago, 2000; 224 pp. $14.95 Paperback. ISBN: 1-566633095 A FEVER IN SALEM POSITS A biological cause for the early modem witchcraft epidemic, which resulted in the hanging of 19 people in Salem, MA, in 1692. Witchcraft persecution, Laurie Carlson writes, arose because of the strange behavior of the supposedly bewitched accusers. She concludes that the cause was a disease unrecognizableRead MoreCarlo Ginzburgs Salem Possessed : The Social Origins Of Witchcraft?2004 Words   |  9 PagesWitch craft has been studied for hundreds of years and authors are still finding more and more information In Carlo Ginzburg’s work, The Night Battles: Witchcraft and Agrarian Cults in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century, he attempts to locate the origin of the of the benandanti and how they came to be tried in a similar fashion to witches in Friuli, Italy. The benandanti were a group that claimed that their spirits went to fight witches during certain times of the year. Ginzburg goes into greatRead MoreCarol Karlsen s The Devil1692 Words   |  7 Pages2015 Carol Karlsen s The Devil in the Shape of a Woman† Carol Karlsen s The Devil in the Shape of a Woman† was written to provide the reader with an understanding of the role of the â€Å"witch† in colonial New England. During the early colonial period, pilgrims lived in a male-dominated society and the classical witch hunts were conducted in an attempt to maintain this societal structure. Since these hunts were placed under a religious guise, it was simple for these individuals to act as if they wereRead MoreThe Salem Witch Trials : An Outbreak Of Hysteria1794 Words   |  8 PagesIn 1692, Salem village in Massachusetts saw an outbreak of hysteria, most commonly known today as the Salem witch trials. Over a period of several months, more than 200 people found themselves facing suspicions from those around them of witchcraft, with 19 executed, 14 arrested and many others who pleaded guilty pardoned but made social outcasts. Typically, the majority of those living in Salem were Puritans, who regarded all other activity exclu ding common Puritan practice as sinful distractionsRead MoreJournals of Puritans688 Words   |  3 Pagesthe Natives who lived there. In a remarkable admission of guilt, compassion, and self-awareness, Samuel Sewall presents the darker side of the Puritan religious sentiment. The Salem witch trials, over which he and several other judges presided, had proceeded as planned. Sewall realizes upon reflection that the witch trials were an abomination and a grave error; thereby revealing the growth of critical thought within the Puritan mind and heart. The willingness to learn and grow does in fact characterizeRead MoreSalem Witch Trials: Socioeconomics, Religion, and Fear2828 Words   |  12 PagesSIENA HEIGHTS UNIVERSITY THE SALEM WITCH TRIALS: SOCIOECONOMICS, RELIGION, AND FEAR A PAPER SUBMITTED TO SISTER JEANNE LEFEBVRE FOR HISTORIOGRAPHY AND METHODOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY BY NICHOLAS KNEZEVICH ADRIAN, MICHIGAN MAY 2006 Abstract The Salem Witch Trials were caused by socioeconomic problems that were intertwined with the fabric that held early American life together: religion. Puritanisms lack of set doctrine lent itself to the possibility of corrupt leadershipRead More Tim Burton’s Sleepy Hollow Essay3225 Words   |  13 Pages(or do not exist at all) in the original text. Instead of Irving’s emphasis on the power of local myths, Burton’s tale incorporates a greater national mythology of American history, incorporating fragments of the ideology of slavery and of the Salem witch trials into the film. In Burton’s adaption of â€Å"Sleepy Hollow,† an interesting historical commentary surfaces surrounding the topic of ideological control and slavery. Instead of examining figurative mental control, however, Burton translates ideology

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Indian Premiere League Controversy Free Essays

Board of control for Cricket is the most powerful and most influential organization in the world of cricket. It is one of the richest sports organizations in the world. Mr. We will write a custom essay sample on Indian Premiere League Controversy or any similar topic only for you Order Now N Srinivasan came a long way starting as a cricket administrator in Tamil Nadu in 2001 to becoming President of Board of Control for Cricket in India in 2011. Indian Premier League is considered as the world’s show case for the T20 cricket. Eight teams will be participating in this tournament. An UK based consulting firm Brand Finance has valued it at 4. 3 billion US dollars in 2010. During N. Srinivasan term as president IPL has faced lot of controversies. Being the most powerful man in world of cricket administrators he refused to quit when his son in law was caught being involved in the purported illegal betting. He gradually worked his way to become the President of the most powerful board in the world of cricket. He has been charged with conflict of interest by owing an IPL franchise the Chennai Super Kings. He refused to resign from the president post after his son in law was caught for alleged illegal betting on the IPL matches. Former BCCI president AC Muthiah has filed a case in Supreme Court challenging the board rules that permits the BCCI officials to own an IPL franchises (Singh, 2013). Three players S Sreesanth, Ankeet Chavan and Ajit Chnadila from Rajasthan Royals were arrested for alleged spot fixing by Delhi police. Srinivasan clamorously said that the guilty will not be spared and was surprised and disappointed with the spot fixing events. Nobody expected his son in law Gurunath Meiyappan will be involved in the illegal betting allegations. Being in a responsible position, instead of stepping down as President on morality basis and this is one of the worst scandals of Indian Cricket he became argumentative and even criticized the media for going after him (Singh, 2013). The India Cements owner of Chennai Super Kings had issued a statement stating that Meiyappan is not a CEO of the company after he was subpoenaed by Mumbai Police and he is in anyway not related to the franchise. But twitter account status of Meiyappans’s said that he was the Team Principal of CSK, was titled as the owner of the franchise at a particular event , he was sitting in the player’s auction and was present in the dugout of CSK for all the matches where only the team management was allowed to be present in the dugout. So India Cements argument that he is not related to the franchise is absolutely false (Singh, 2013). He was involved in illegal betting of CSK matches too. This raises lot of questions as he may have passed the team combinations and planning to the bookies as he has access to all the players (Singh, 2013). If Srinivasan tries to brush off things and cover up the whole situation then BCCI will jeopardize the faith and entrust of millions of people who follow the game of cricket and where cricket is a religion in India. For the betterment of cricket, cricket lovers and inviolability of cricket in India Srinivasan must resign and ensure that all the guilty are served with the punishment. The other members of the board have resigned as they are not satisfied with the Srivasan’s decision and how he handled the situation (Singh, 2013). Source of Conflict: This conflict can be an example for Substantive conflict. This occurs when two or more organizational members disagree on their task or content issues. Conflict of values: This occurs when two social entities differ in their values or ideologies on certain issues (Druckman, Broome Korper, 1988). Srinivasan differs with the ideologies and values of the BCCI this can be recognized as conflict of values. Level of Analysis: This can be an example of Interpersonal conflict. It refers to conflict between two or more organizational members of the same or different hierarchical levels. This situation has created differences between the board members and the treasurer and other board members have resigned it can be classified as interpersonal conflict. References: Rahim, M. A. (2001). Managing conflict in organizations. Westport, Conn: Quorum Books. Druckman, D., Broome, B., Korper, S., (1988).  Value differences and conflict resolution: Facilitation or delinking?  Journal of Conflict Resolution, 32, 489 – 510.  Ã‚   Singh, M. (2013, may 26). IPL spot-fixing: Why N Srinivasan should quit as BCCI president. Retrieved July 7, 2013, from How to cite Indian Premiere League Controversy, Papers

Monday, April 27, 2020

It Has Been Said That Within the Next Few Years, Smartphones Will Become the Single Most Important Digital Device We Own. Discuss the Implications of This Statement Essay Example

It Has Been Said That Within the Next Few Years, Smartphones Will Become the Single Most Important Digital Device We Own. Discuss the Implications of This Statement Essay It has been said that within the next few years, smartphones will become the single most important digital device we own. Discuss the implications of this statement. A  smartphone  is a  mobile phone  that offers more advanced computing ability and connectivity than a contemporary basic  feature phone A smartphone can be considered as a Personal Pocket Computer (PPC) with mobile phone functions, because these devices are mainly computers, although much smaller than a desktop computer. Smartphones and Twitter were the hottest products in Japan in 2010 and travel and leisure were back on the menu, an ad agency survey showed, as penny-pinching consumers rediscovered their fun side. Q2: What are the principal technologies and standards for wireless networking, communications and Internet access? Bluetooth Technology: * Bluetooth is a wireless networking standard that provides short-range (about 10 meters) connectivity to electrical devices such as cell phones, computers and their peripherals, notebooks, and PDA’s. Data is transmitted via small radio transmitter/receivers installed in each electronic device. * There are several benefits to using this technology. Firstly, it does away with all the wires, connectors, and attachments needed to connect your peripherals to your computer system- whether you are in the office or on the go. Next, Bluetooth technology is pretty inexpensive- which is perfect for a cash-strapped small business. This technology is also easy to use with little user input. We will write a custom essay sample on It Has Been Said That Within the Next Few Years, Smartphones Will Become the Single Most Important Digital Device We Own. Discuss the Implications of This Statement specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on It Has Been Said That Within the Next Few Years, Smartphones Will Become the Single Most Important Digital Device We Own. Discuss the Implications of This Statement specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on It Has Been Said That Within the Next Few Years, Smartphones Will Become the Single Most Important Digital Device We Own. Discuss the Implications of This Statement specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Finally, Bluetooth devices need very little power to operate and thus are particularly suitable for data transfers among low-powered handhelds where battery life is critical. Wi-Fi: * Wi-Fi is a wireless technology that can support a wireless Local Area Network and provides high-speed access to the Internet with data transmission rates approaching 54Mbps. The most popular Wi-Fi standard is the one used in the D-Link router, 802. 11b. Wi-Fi networks operate over a limited range: 32 m (120 ft) indoors and 95 m (300 ft) outdoors. Most new laptops and desktop computers come with built-in wireless transmitters. If your equipment doesn’t support wireless communication then you can purchase a  wireless adapter  that plugs into the PC card slot or USB port. * Most Wi-Fi access points are run privately within homes or businesses, but there are also numerous public WiFi access points or â€Å"hotspots. † According to  JiWire, Wi-Fi is currently available at more than 220,000 public hotspots and tens of millions of homes, corporations, and university campuses throughout the world. G: * 3G  is the  third generation  of mobile phone network standards and technologies. With 3G, network operators can offer users a wide range of advanced services within a mobile environment including: wireless voice telephony, video calls, broadband wireless data and HSPA data transmission. * In contrast to Wi-Fi, 3G networks are  wide area networks,  which means you can hook up from virtually anywhere- a par k, a moving car, a commuter train. This added flexibility, however, comes with a higher price tag. You can expect to shell out a few hundred dollars a month on equipment and services. WiMAX: * WiMAX is an emerging technology that provides high-throughput broadband connections to a large geographic area. Considered the successor to Wi-Fi, WiMAX provides improved performance and usage over much greater distances. WiMax supports peak data speeds of about 70mbps, with average user data rates between 1mbps and 10mbps and can be used for a number of applications, such as â€Å"last mile† broadband connections, hotspots and T1- type connections for businesses.